Day One is Tomorrow

By January 2, 2022Episodes

Greeting friends,

So it is the first weekend of the new year, 2022! We did it, we made it! But I mean this more so now in days, especially considering the bloody pandemic and all. And while generally this is a time to start fresh, I just wanted to go over that, especially for all of us fellow artist. It certainly would be a good place to start on new habits or challenges but here me out why not start…tomorrow? Or maybe a week from now? Or next month?

I am telling you not to try to improve yourself, your work and your goals? Not at all, if you had a year plan in mind and you wanted to get going, then by all means. Don’t let me stop you. That being said, why wait until the new year to get started? Life is happening now. So be here. What I want to say is any day you decide you want to change your life and challenge yourself to do better and to be better, well I say go for it. These are there intimate and personal tasks anyways, well I think they should be at the very least, the only one who can decide what to do and when to do it is you.

You don’t have to swim in the pack, go against the stream. Make your own calendar.

I feel like there is an unnecessary added pressure to perform and to succeed when you set goals at the very start of the year. Everyone has their own story going on, so why add that weight of the world on your shoulders. And artists especially we need to remember that we are on our marathon, no one is behind you and no one is ahead of you, we run alone. Now of course we know that others are running as well, and we can celebrate and cheer them on, we can see how far they have gotten and the hurdles they have had to leap over. Just don’t forget to keep your eyes on the path ahead as well, because there are those watching you and cheering you on as well.

And if you are in the middle of a current goal that just so happened to have start with the New Year holiday, well keep going and don’t stop. Just remember if you trip, if you fall, if you need to catch your breath or anything at all, you can always start tomorrow.

Will be there to cheer you on.